- For people above legal drinking age only
- Don’t drink and drive
- Don’t drink while pregnant
Helping people make informed choices about alcohol.
Playing sport and drinking alcohol don't go together
Exercise and alcohol don't mix
Alcohol affects your performance and increases the risk of injury
Athletes achieve optimal performance through hard practice, intense exercise and by being in peak condition, both mentally and physically.
Drinking alcohol before or during vigorous sports or exercise not only increases the risk that you will perform badly but also that you will injure yourself - and other people.
That's because alcohol affects your judgement, accuracy, coordination and reaction times. If you do get injured, any alcohol in your body can increase the severity of the injury and slow down your recovery.
When you're playing sport or taking vigorous exercise, you need to stay alert and in control. In sports such as water sports and cycling, one mistake can have tragic consequences.
So what happens if you combine alcohol with vigorous sports and exercise?
Loss of accuracy
Dehydration/muscle cramping
Loss of body heat
Decreased endurance
Poor coordination
Slower reaction times
If you're going to do sport or exercise, don't risk injuring yourself or others, or impair your performance, by drinking alcohol.
The American College of Sports Medicine advises athletes to avoid alcohol, beyond low-amount social drinking, for 48 hours before an event and to rehydrate and eat something before having an alcohol drink afterwards.
Download our factsheets
- For people above legal drinking age only
- Don’t drink and drive
- Don’t drink while pregnant