Avoiding Excessive Drinking

Helping people make informed choices about alcohol.

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Avoiding Excessive Drinking

Excessive Drinking is a form of irresponsible drinking that can be dangerous, even deadly.


  • Excessive drinking is the pattern of consumption involving rapid intoxication or intoxication over an extended period of time

  • Whether we are talking about ‘excessive drinking’, ‘binge drinking’ or ‘heavy episodic drinking’ these ways of drinking alcohol are harmful to health

  • Contrary to popular beliefs, excessive drinking can happen at any stage of your life, it’s not just a problem for underage drinkers

  • Excessive drinking usually means drinking an excessive amount in a short period of time

about alcohol - Avoiding Excessive Drinking

Whether labelled ‘binge drinking’, ‘extreme drinking’ or ‘heavy episodic drinking’, any pattern of drinking that involves rapid intoxication or intoxication for an extended period of time carries the potential for considerable social, psychological and physical harm, and should be avoided.

While there is no universal scientific or medical definition of what constitutes ‘binge’ or ‘excessive drinking, it usually means drinking excessive amounts of alcohol in a short period of time.

Whatever the definition, the important thing is what can be done to prevent it.

about alcohol - Avoiding Excessive Drinking


Excessive drinking can take a toll on the take body and be dangerous. It can cause or contribute to:

  • Alcohol poisoning

  • Accidents, including car accidents

  • Brain or neurological damage

  • Gastrointestinal tract damage

  • Liver damage and increased risk for certain cancers

  • Risky behaviors

  • Alcohol dependence

  • Stroke or cardiovascular problems

  • Poor academic performance

  • Absenteeism

about alcohol - Avoiding Excessive Drinking

Extreme drinking not only affects the person who is drinking but it can affect others who are exposed to, and who may rely on them.

If an excessive drinker fails to make responsible choices, those who either are not drinking or who drink responsibly can be subjected to problems ranging from rude or loud behavior to accidents caused by drunk driving.


  • Understanding the alcohol by volume in your drink helps you to drink responsibly. This information is always on the label

  • Know what type of alcohol beverage you are drinking. The lower the alcohol content, the better

  • Do not drink too fast. Enjoy every sip and have enough time in between drinks

  • Include non-alcoholic drinks in your line-up

  • Never drink on an empty stomach

about alcohol - Avoiding Excessive Drinking

Take action

Binge or excessive  drinking can happen at any stage of your life. No matter how old you are, it’s irresponsible and dangerous.