Helping people make informed choices about alcohol.

Alcohol in Moderation (AIM)
AIM is an independent organisation whose role is to communicate the sensible drinking message and to act as a conduit for information from the industry, associations and researchers on relevant research, legislation, policy and campaigns.
Alcoholics Anonymous Worldwide
Alcoholics Anonymous is a fellowship of men and women who share their experiences, strength and hope with each other so that they may solve their common problem and help others to recover from alcoholism.
Dietary Guidelines for Americans (2015-2020)
The Dietary Guidelines for Americans have been published every five years since 1980. The guidelines provide authoritative advice about how good dietary habits can promote health and reduce risk for major chronic diseases.
Drink Responsibly (New Zealand)
This initiative by the Beer, Wine and Spirits Council of New Zealand focuses on informing consumers about responsible drinking.
Drinkaware UK
This website was developed by an independent charitable trust and aims to promote sensible drinking. It is funded by the alcohol companies and was jointly launched by the UK Government, alcohol companies and other stakeholders.
Drinking and You
This consumer website, developed by Alcohol in Moderation, provides information about sensible drinking, as well as national government guidelines for the UK, US, Canada, France, Spain and Germany.
DrinkWise Australia
DrinkWise Australia is an independent organisation funded by the liquor industry focused on promoting change towards a more responsible drinking culture in Australia.
Educ' Alcool
Educ' Alcool is an independent organisation founded in Quebec, Canada. Its website is designed to help underage people and adults make enlightened and responsible decisions about drinking.
Harvard School of Public Health (Alcohol)
This website from US Harvard School of Public Health, Nutrition provides facts about the risks and benefits of alcohol consumption.
National Institute on Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism (United States)
This website is developed by the NIAAA, one of the 27 institutes and centres that comprise the US National Institutes of Health. The NIAAA supports and conducts research on alcohol abuse and alcoholism.
National Organization on Foetal Alcohol Syndrome
This organisation's sponsored website provides information about foetal alcohol syndrome.
NHS Choices (UK)
NHS Choices is a comprehensive information service that provides information to help people make choices about health, from lifestyle decisions to practical aspects of finding and using NHS services.
Substance Abuse and Mental Health Human Services Administration (SAMHSA) – Too Smart to Start
This website is a US government website developed to support the efforts of parents and other caring adults to prevent the underage use of alcohol.
World Health Organization (WHO)
This is the main website of the WHO, a specialised agency of the United Nations that acts as a coordinating authority on international public health.